
2016-12-20 閲讀:(1.53W)


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美國芝加哥西爾斯大廈(Sears Tower)在第103層瞭望台增設的玻璃陽台對媒體開放,這些玻璃陽台建在大廈西側,從瞭望台向外延伸約1.2米。陽台的玻璃地板厚達12.7釐米,可承重約5噸。膽大的遊客可以站在上面,從412米高空俯視芝加哥。由於玻璃是透明的,遊客會感到自己懸在空中,產生一不小心就會掉下去的感覺。所以膽小的人恐怕還沒站到這個恐怖陽台上就已經腿軟了。

nspiration came from the hundreds of forehead prints visitors left behind on Skydeck windows every week. Now, staff will have a new glass surface to clean: floors.

Architect Ross Wimer said: 'We did studies that showed a four-foot-deep (1.2 metres) enclosure makes you feel like you're floating since there's only room for one row of people, not two.'

The Skydeck attracts 25,000 visitors on clear days. They each pay $15 to take an elevator ride up to the 103rd floor of the 110-story office building that opened in 1973.

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標籤:玻璃房 凌空 芝加哥 空玻璃瓶diy